Past Champions and Finalists: ( Champions were not crowned from
1986-1989 )
Here are some more Extra Stats, check them out.
Longest game all-time- 27 innings, (
Moriarty Stadium )
Longest Game- 18 Innings, Trinkey
Vs Bush - 1999
Longest regular season shutout streak- 36
Innings, Dave V.- 2004
Longest playoff shutout streak- 19 Innings,
Steve- 2006
Most HR's hit in a row to start a game- 6,
Steve- 1999
Most HR's hit a row in a game- 6,
Randy- 1993, Steve- 1999, 2006, Scott- 2007
Most HR's hit in a row- 7, Scott-
2007 ( Over 2 games )
Only 4 rookies have ever made the finals, Shore ( 92' ), Otto
( 01' ), Derek Wagner ( 02' ), Dan Lambert ( 09' ) Derek and Dan both winning in there respected years. Derek 2-1 and Dan
L. 2-0. Shore and Otto were swept 2-0.
There are only 2 game 3's in playoff's to go extra's Rene Vs
Otto in 2001 ( 7 ) And Dave Vs Cary ( 8 ) in 2005.
There have been only 2 rookie games during AS weekend.
2002 and 2006.